Jordan Ranch (Fulshear MUD 3A), Willow Creek Farms, Jordan Ranch’s operator Si Environmental and Willow Creek Farms’ operator TNG Utility, urgently need your help to take care of our sewer treatment system and equipment!
Jordan Ranch is a participant with Willow Creek Farms in the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) located in Willow Creek Farms. Jordan Ranch is now operating it’s own sewer plant as well.
We have a serious problem at the wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and lift stations with “rags”. “Rags” develop from so-called “flushable” wipes, cloths and other products and create large blockages within the treatment system. Wipes and other items are labeled as “flushable” but should not be put down toilets or drains. Please flush only toilet paper and human waste! Refrain from putting other products down the drain.
These “flushable” products do not break down, must be manually removed and cause pumps, motors and other equipment to be overloaded. This results in significant costs to both MUDS. These costs are paid by your MUD taxes and water/sewer bills. In the past 2 years both MUDS have spent over $100,000 combined on repairs related to rags. Both MUDs are on track for a ten-fold, year over year increase in these expenses. These expenses are not discretionary. These “rag” issues could limit our ability to reduce the tax burden on residents through tax cuts and cause water/sewer rates to increase. Rags could also lead to catastrophic failures resulting in raw sewage backing up into homes.
Fortunately, this problem has an easy solution. We ask all residents help by flushing only toilet paper and human waste. We understand most Jordan Ranch residents aren’t aware of this issue and don’t realize the products claiming to be “flushable” actually cause significant damage and maintenance costs to the system. Please help us reduce these costs!
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to send us an email at All such messages are shared with the entire Board of Directors.
Thank you!
Your Fulshear MUD 3A Board of Directors